Annual Conference on Nephrology & Urology


Meetings International proudly invites all the participants from all over the world to attend “Annual Conference on Nephrology & Urology” during August 20-21, 2018 at Chicago, USA. Nephrology Conference(Nephrology2018) will be operated by world class experts in the field of nephrology and urology , International symposiums, B2B meetings, workshops will also be organised to discuss the specific topics in the field of Nephrology like Urologic Oncology, Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Transplantation. The conference is aimed in to identify the genetic determinants of common disorders to understand the mechanisms underlying human cognition. Nephrologic Disorders are common among developed and developing countries. According to recent statistics report, nearly 14% of total population are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease complaints and millions of others are at increased risk. The numbers of Kidney transplantations are seemingly very high and in the year of 2016 alone, there are around 121678 kidney transplantations. Due to the rapid increase for the risk of renal disorders, Nephrology Conference(Nephrology2018) aims to decrease the incidence rate of kidney disease through its international conference on nephrology and cordially invites participants across the globe to discuss and arrive under possible solutions for one of the major critical problems of mankind.